Histopathologically they are composed of tubular structure lined by a double layers of epithelial cells embedded in a mucoid stroma that often exhibits areas of chrodroid metaplasia 组织病理学上,它是由具有双层上皮网胞围成的管状组识和类似软骨组织之间质所组成的。
This is cryptococcus neoformans infection of the lung . there are numerous organisms that have a large mucoid capsule , giving the appearance of a clear zone around a faint round nucleus 肺新型隐球菌感染,存在许多病原体,每个病原体都有个大粘液囊,此囊在模糊圆形细胞核周围呈现为清晰光亮区。
Several subclassifications have been proposed : simple chronic bronchitis describes a condition characterized by mucoid sputum production ; chronic mucopurulent bronchitis is characterized by persistent or recurrent purulence of sputum in the absence of localized suppurative diseases such as bronchiectasis ; chronic bronchitis with obstruction deserves a separate classification characterized by presence of airway obstruction as assessed by the used of the forced expiratory vital capacity maneuver ; and chronic asthmatic bronchitis 它可以分为以下几种类型:单纯性慢性支气管炎,其特征为咳粘液性痰;慢性粘液脓性支气管炎,其特征是反复的或持续的咳脓痰,但肺部并无化脓性病变,如支气管扩张;慢性支气管炎伴阻塞,其特征为用力呼气肺活量测定时有气道阻塞的表现;慢性哮喘性支气管炎,其特征是患者有长期的咳嗽及咯痰史,后来肺部出现哮鸣者,因此与哮喘伴慢性气管阻塞的病人不同。