The aboriginal people of south asia are known as the munda tribes , which are thought to be related to the aborigines of australia 南亚的土著居民知道作为munda部落,被认为与澳洲的土人有关。
The interaction of the invading dravidian with the munda must have created some new languages , called the dravidian languages 侵略的dravidian的互作用以munda一定创造了一些新语言,称dravidian语言。
Sanskrit was the language spoken by aryan invaders and local inhabitants spoke various dialects of dravidian and munda languages Sanskrit是语言由aryan侵略者讲了话并且地方居民讲了dravidian和munda语言各种各样的方言。
The munda people spoke various languages like bhel , svara , kaul , etc . the languages of the two civilizations intermixed and gave rise to new languages Munda人民讲了各种各样的语言象bhel svara kaul ,等。二文明的语言交互混合了和提升了新语言。