One of the earlist and certainly the best-known photographer to record action detail was eadweard muybridge . 最早的、无疑也是最著名的一位拍摄动作细节的摄影家是埃德沃德迈布里奇。
One of the earliest and certainly the best - known photographer to record action detail was eadweard muybridge 最早的、无疑也是最著名的一位拍摄动作细节的摄影家是埃德沃德?迈布里奇。
This animated film was created from over 4000 hand - made collages incorporating the figures from eadweard muybridge ' s human and animal locomotion , first published in 1887 一趟前往最深最私密的旅程正要展开,在一个房间里,在一张床上,在一张蝙蝠的覆盖里,在一个女子对自己与世界的认识与热爱里。
Traumatograph explores the imagery of death and repetition while piccolo film decomposto again eviscerates the origins of cinema and the recreation of the erotic naked body in the works of filmmakers like muybridge 《小分解片》是梅必利治的前电影摄影实验之再造,赤裸身体崩裂地走,菲林片在追赶。