| 1. | I met a senior high school student last thursday . he envied me because i am an student of nctu 上周四在家门口遇到一位高中生,他听到我是大学生之后露出很羡慕的表情。 |
| 2. | Accompanied by fellow initiates , mr . chang chun - yen middle , president of nctu , appreciates masters art exhibit 国立交通大学张俊彦校长中在同修陪同下参观师父的艺术创作展。 |
| 3. | Nobel laureate y . t . lee suggested that a merger between neighboring schools nctu and nthu could create a world class university 李远哲建议讲交通及清华两间相厝边耶大学若合并应该有法度变做一间世界一流耶大学。 |
| 4. | Among the honoured guests were nctu president chang and his wife , director chen an - bin , and tseng kuo - hsiung , president of kainan university 其中包括交大张俊彦校长暨夫人资管所陈安斌所长,及开南管理学院曾国雄校长等人。 |
| 5. | Nctu president chang had come to the exhibit with a group of visiting chinese academicians , all of whom were invited to the seminar later in the day 张校长当日在带领中国大陆学术访问团时,进来会场参观,同修即主动邀请他们参加晚上的研讨会。 |
| 6. | When the fellow initiates were on campus to arrange for use of the venue , they met with nctu president mr . chang chun - yen , who generously granted his permission 主办同修在进行场地会勘时,巧遇该校张俊彦校长,张校长当场就慷慨允诺场地出借。 |
| 7. | In addition to nctu faculty members and students , many off - campus guests attended , including professors of fine arts and school teachers with groups of students 许多校内师生与校外来宾都专程前来参观,其中包括教授艺术概论的教授,也有教授带著一群学生前来欣赏。 |
| 8. | The nctu library already housed several of masters books , and after the event the hsinchu center donated more of her publications to the collection , in hopes of providing readers with greater access to the divine teachings 有监于浩然图书馆只收藏了师父的一小部分教理,新竹小中心特别在会后赠送更多的经书给图书馆,让更多的读者能接触师父的教理。 |
| 9. | The seminar was conducted in the national chiao tung university nctu librarys international conference room , located near national tsing hua university nthu , several national laboratories and the world - renowned hsinchu science park 研讨会地点位于国立交通大学浩然图书馆国际会议厅,周边有清华大学数个国家级实验室以及举世闻名的新竹科学工业园区。 |
| 10. | The evening seminar on spirituality and science was the central feature of the days activities , and its participants included faculty , students and staff from nctu and nearby colleges , universities , research institutes and national laboratories , as well as local residents and employees of various government departments and high - tech companies in hsinchu 晚间登场的灵性与科技研讨会是此次活动的主轴,与会人士包括交大校内师生,邻近数个大专院校研究机构国家实验室政府机关数十家科技公司的师生与从业人员,以及附近居民。 |