On structure of nef - value morphisms of projective varieties 值态射的结构
Network element function nef 网络单元功能
The nef found that the people from island nations enjoy the highest hpi rankings 新经济组织发现,来自岛国的人们享受着最高等级的快乐指数。
Based on the back - analysis data of some excavation stage , through the non - linear finite element program nef , we can predict the tendency of next excavation stage . the relative error between calculation and measurement is controlled in 25 % , demonstrate the estimate prediction is successful 根据反演的某一阶段的土体参数值,通过非线性有限元程序nfp ,预测后一阶段的边坡变形情况,实例中理论计算值与实测值的相对误差控制在25 %以内,说明预测是成功的。
This paper addresses how to introduce the corba techologies into the tmn , meanwhile , it also addresses the possible applicatioin of corba in tmn . finally , this paper also introduces the detail design of how to apply a corba middleware tao into alcatel ' s forth generatioin project , using corba as the network management interface between the qaf and nef , the functions in tmn . this paper especially pays attention to the detail design of the netowrk management ' s softweare framework , managed object class and notifciation management , try to find a more elegant design pattern in network management development 随着电信网络技术的不断发展,各种新业务的日新月异,传统的基于osi协议栈的电信管理网tmn在开放性,分布式,互操作性和实现的复杂程度上都日渐不能满足需求,为了解决这样的问题,国际电信联盟itu - t将corba技术引入电信管理网中,本文就如何在tmn电信管理网中引入corba技术,引入后的实际设计问题,以及corba技术在tmn中可能的应用做了一定程度的探讨,并结合alcatel4g网管子项目介绍了如何将基于corba的中间件tao ,应用在网元层网管系统中,作为q接口适配层qaf和网元功能层nef的标准管理接口。