" on this day our thoughts go out to danny ' s family , " pitt and jolie said in a statement issued to people magazine through their representative , trevor neilson 茱莉在她的声明中说,坚强的心不是反恐影片,而是重在讲述不同信仰的人们共同努力找寻真理的故事。
Mr jim neilson , who for the past 15 years has been the face of international liaison at icac , left his post at the end of september and set off for mauritius where he will join the newly formed icac 过去15年一直担任廉署国际联络大使的廖以信先生,于9月底荣休离任,并随即程前往毛里求斯,加入当地新成立的反贪机构。
" they talked with people from all levels of the pakistan government and there ' s certainly no hard feelings . but it became clear that it was preferable to film in india , " neilson told reuters by telephone 坚强的心改编自玛琳娜传记坚强的心:我的丈夫丹尼尔珀尔的勇敢一生,珀尔于2002年在一起9 11事件调查中被恐怖分子绑架并惨遭杀害。
The oscar - winning actress plays the slain reporter ' s wife , mariane . pitt , jolie ' s partner , is the movie ' s producer . " i am disappointed that we could not shoot the film in pakistan , a country that i love and have visited three times , " said jolie in a statement issued on saturday by trevor neilson , an adviser to the couple 继史密斯行动之后,茱莉和男友布拉德皮特将在新片坚强的心中再度合作,茱莉饰演片中华尔街日报记者丹尼尔珀尔遗孀玛琳娜,皮特则以电影制片人的身份出现。