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English translation for "neusoft"


Related Translations:
neusoft group:  东软集
Example Sentences:
1.Philips and neusoft medical systems visited torch - bigtide
2.Neusoft is a leading software and solution provider in china
3.Neusoft group co . , ltd
4.Neusoft provides professional solutions and services to customers and enterprises
5.I graduated from the chengdu neusoft institute of information and can speak english fairly well , and possess considerable proficiency in typewriting
6.Process : 1 / 2 day planning meeting with key neusoft team members , plus 1 / 2 day initial information sharing / brainstorming session
7.Neusoft park industrial development co . , ltd . , is a subsidiary of neusoft group , a leading software and solution provider in china
东软软件园产业发展有限公司(简称"东软发展" )是中国领先的软件与解决方案提供商- -东软集团的控股子公司。
8.We also emphasize our understandings upon your needs , our methodologies for the fulfillment and some detailed issues during the co - operation between neusoft and hewitt
9.And in the area of bpo , neusoft offers unique and flexible services by taking the most advantage of its mature and stable call center system platform and human resource specialized in it technology
10.It includes software outsourcing , computer service outsourcing , offshore outsourcing etc . the author collects and analyzes a great quantity of second hand information and some first hand information acquired by interviewing some representative it outsourcing firms including ibm , neusoft , achievo and datang telecom
访谈对象包括了ibm ,东软, achievo ,大唐电信这几个很有代表性的公司。本文定义了计算机服务外包的概念,并简单回顾了计算机服务外包发展的历史。
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