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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

流出管 effuser
流出系数 efflux coefficient
流出角 efflux angle
流出速度 rate of outflow
流出量 discharge
流刑 the penalty of banishing the...
流利 fluent
流利的韵文 smooth verse fluently
流动 flow
流动交易 current transaction
流动人口 transient population
流动住宅 motor home
流动保险单 floating policy
流动公司债券 floating debentures
流动医院 ambulance
流动哨 person on patrol duties
流动售书站 mobile bookshop
流动售货 mobile sale
流动商业网 mobile commerce network
流动商店 motique
流动图书馆 travelling library
流动基金 circulating fund
流动存款 liquid deposit
流动工人的营地 a labour camp
流动工队 floating gang
流动差额 balance of capital movements
流动帐户 current account
流动性 flowability
流动性不足 liquidity shortage
流动性定货 order of liquidity
流动性范围 vield limit
流动成本 carrying cost
流动投资 current investment
流动支出 carrying charges
流动支票 circulating check
流动放映 mobile film projection
流动方式 type of flow
流动机器人 mobot
流动检查员 floating inspector
流动沙丘 moving dunes
流动法庭 ambulatory court
流动火炮 roving gun
流动点 pour point
流动电台 mobile radio station
流动电影放映队 mobile film projection team
流动电视车 television reporting
流动监测站 mobile monitoring station
流动硬币 coin circulation
流动负债 current liabilities
流动财产 movable property
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