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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

流浪 roam about
流浪儿 waif
流浪女士们从不拒绝别人的施舍 Wandering ladies never refus...
流浪汉 wanderer
流浪汉来自社会最下层 Tramps are from the lowest s...
流浪江湖 wander far and wide by the r...
流浪者 fugitive
流浪街头 roam the streets
流浪远方 rove in distant lands
流浸膏 fluid extract
流涎 hydrostomia
流淌 flow
流火 filariasis erysipelas on the...
流率 flow rate
流生 dropout
流生率 dropout rate
流电 galvanic electricity
流电学 voltaism
流电疗法 voltaism
流电针术 galvanoacupuncture
流畅 easy and smooth
流目顾盼 amorous glances
流矢 flying or stray arrow
流矿槽 sluice box
流砂 szyrt
流砂槽 hacking
流离 become homeless and wander f...
流离失所 become destitute and homeles...
流离转徙 wander about but find nowher...
流离迁徙 wander about and scatter eve...
流离颠沛 homeless and wandering from ...
流程 flow path
流程分析 process analysis
流程图 tree
流程图程序 flowchart program
流程图符号 flowchart symbol
流程方向 flow direction
流程线 flow-line
流程表 flow table
流窜 flee hither and thither
流窜作案 flee hither and thither to c...
流管 stream
流纹岩 rhyolite
流纹岩熔岩 rhyolitic lava
流纹岩玻璃 rhyolitic glass
流线 filament line
流线体 fairing
流线图 motion pattern
流线型 streamline
流线型体 ichthyoid
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