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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

流线型前身 eddy-free front
流线型天线罩 streamlined radome
流线型导弹 clean missile
流线型张线 streamline wire
流线型机壳 streamlined housing
流线型汽车 streamlined car
流线型火车 streamliner
流线型船身 highly faired hull
流线型装置 streamliner
流线型车体 racing body
流线形 streamline form
流线形外形 slender contour
流线形罩 spat
流线形轮盖 spat
流网 flow net
流网作业 drifting
流网小渔船 drover
流网帆船 sail drifter
流网捕捞 drifting
流网浮标 buff
流网渔业 drift fishery
流网渔法 drift net fishing
流网渔船 drift boat
流网起网机 driftnet hauler
流脑 epidemic cerebrospinal menin...
流脓 run with pus
流芳 leave a good name
流芳百世 leave a good name to posteri...
流苏 tassels
流荡 roam
流落 wander about destitute
流落他乡 become homeless in other cou...
流落江湖 live a vagabond life
流落街头 tramp the streets
流血 bleed
流血冲突 sanguinary conflict
流血成河 bloody fighting
流血成渠 blood gushed in a stream
流血斗争 a sanguinary struggle
流血流汗 sweat and shed blood
流血牺牲 shed one's blood and lay dow...
流血的伤口 bleeding wound
流血致死 bleed away one's life
流行 prevalent
流行一时 be in vogue
流行事物 in-thing
流行唱片 a hit record
流行字眼 a vogue word
流行性 epidemic
流行性乙型脑炎 epidemic encephalitis B
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