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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

死信队列 dead letter queue
死光 death ray
死光武器 death-ray weapon
死党 sworn follower kinsfolk
死刑 death penalty
死刑判决 death sentence
死刑囚犯 capital prisoner
死刑复核 review of death sentence
死刑复核程序 procedure for review of deat...
死刑执行人 executioner
死刑执行令 death warrant
死刑案件 capital case
死刑毒气室 gas chamber
死刑缓刑判决 death sentence with reprieve
死别 part never to see each other...
死到临头 be faced with imminent death
死力 all one's strength
死力抵抗 resist with might and main
死劲儿 all one's strength
死劲儿盯住他 watch him closely
死劲儿跑 run for all one's worth
死区 blind spot
死区段 dead track
死区电路 dead-zone circuit
死去活来 faint and revive
死后 after death
死后无嗣 die without an heir
死后的荣誉 posthumous fame
死后证明正确 posthumous vindication
死命 doom
死命挣扎 struggle desperately
死咸 terribly salty
死啃书本 try to memorize books withou...
死囚 a convict sentenced to death
死囚室 death row
死囚牢 death house
死因 cause of death
死因不明 dysoemia
死因检查法庭 coroner's court
死因证明书 certificate of cause of deat...
死因调查 coroner's inquest
死地 fatal position
死契 irrevocable title deed
死套儿 fast knot
死守 defend to the death
死守阵地 defend the position to the l...
死寂 deathly stillness
死寂无声 as dead as a doornail
死对头 sworn enemy opponent
死尸 dead body
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