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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

死灵 souls of the dead
死点 dead center
死点位置 mid-gear
死点压力 dead-end pressure
死点发火 dead center ignition
死点标记 dead-center mark
死牢 dead cell
死猪不怕开水浇 shameless
死球 dead ball
死球区 anchor space
死生不渝 unchangeable whether dead or...
死生由命 Life and death are foreordai...
死皮赖脸 be lost to all sense of sham...
死眉瞪眼 a wooden expression that inf...
死硬 stiff
死硬派 diehards
死神 death
死结 fast knot
死绝 be completely annihilated
死缓 short for death sentence wit...
死缠不休 persist in arguing endlessly
死缠硬要 pester sb. for sth.
死罪 capital crime
死者 defunct
死者雕塑卧像 gisant
死而不僵 dead but showing no signs of...
死而后已 do one's best,till one's hea...
死而复生 revive
死而复苏 come back to life
死而无怨 die without regret
死而无悔 die without any regret
死而无憾 die without anything to regr...
死胎 stillborn foetus
死胎不下 retention of dead fetus
死胡同 impasse
死脑筋 one-track mind
死要面子 dead determined to save face
死要面子活受罪 puff oneself up at one's own...
死规矩 a rigid rule
死角 dead angle
死讯 news of sb.'s death
死记硬背 learn by rote
死读书 study mechanically
死路 blind alley
死路一条 There is only one way -- die...
死里逃生 take a new lease of life
死难 die in an accident or a poli...
死难烈士 martyr
死面 unleavened dough
死顶尖 dead centre
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