Femoral head ostectomy is a surgery performed on severely arthritic dogs 股骨断截骨术’都是针对关节炎严重的狗狗的手术。
The femoral head ostectomy is a last resort procedure and generally is not recommended for mild cases of arthritis 股骨端截面手术是一种不得已的手术,通常不会被用在轻度关节炎上。
The prognosis for femoral head ostectomy is generally good for smaller dogs , and guarded for large or obese dogs 对于股骨顶部截骨的治疗,通常对小一点的狗会好一点,对大狗或者肥胖狗不好。
It had been treated by an aggressive surgery ( radical enucleation and peripheral ostectomy ) at the first time , with evidence of recurrence 8 years later 再经过八年追踪发现,角骨及下颚枝处完全复原,只见左下方小臼齿区,仍有小小的复发,再施以摘除术伴随冷陈治疗。