vt. 1.优于,胜过;压倒。 2.和(门户等)不相称的人结婚。 n. 1.劲敌,强敌。 2.优劣悬殊者之间的比赛。
Example Sentences:
Professor hong zhaoguang points out famous and healthy expert , look like the man of overmatch , it is the flimsiest group on the world actually 闻名健康专家洪昭光教授指出,貌似强者的男人,其实是世界上最脆弱的群体。
When dealing with an overmatch : be neither humble nor arrogant , but equal . otherwise , argue strongly on just grounds and make every effort to persist 与强者、强势交往:不卑不亢、平等来往。否则将据理力争、拼死抗争。
Had better learn ceaselessly , with enlarging oneself know by accident the level and recognition level , make oneself become the overmatch in friend eye 最好不断地去学习,以扩大自己的知误层面和熟悉层面,使自己成为朋友眼中的强者。
It ' s found that the high exponent gaussian feed overmatch general gaussian feed on radiation characteristic and power capacity 同时,将高次高斯馈源的性能与一般高斯馈源进行了比较,发现其无论是在功率容量还是在辐射特性上均超过了后者。
That will at times bring the service into conflict with “ people who think you are too sophisticated and you ' ve got too much technological overmatch , ” said keys 基斯表示,偶尔也会让部队介入与“认为你很狡猾并且拥有太多技术优势的人”的冲突中。
For the liquid in the multi - head twisted and fluted tube can cross the boundary of the channel and merge into the fluid flow in the next channel , the film distribution of multi - head twisted and fluted tube is overmatch single - head twisted and fluted tube 当螺旋槽管表面为多槽道时,各槽道间发生流体的相互掺混使得液膜分布特性较单槽道时要好。
The methods for the optimal design in the deep excavations are discussed , and the difference is compared between the traditional optimal methods and the modern ones , it safely conclude that the modern optimal methods overmatch the traditional ones 探讨了深基坑支护结构设计优化的方法,比较了传统方法和现代方法的差异,得出了现代优化方法比传统优化方法更完善的结论。