People marched on the streets asking for the overturn of the pahlavi dynasty 人们走上街头,要求推翻巴列维王朝。
Along with sanskrit ( 1785 ) other languages were deciphered : pahlavi in 1793 , cuneiforms in 1803 , hieroglyphs in 1822 , and avestan in 1832 除梵语( 1785年)外,其他语言也被翻译过来:巴列维语是在1793年,楔形文字是在1803年,象形文字在1822年,阿维斯陀语在1832年。
A truly unique item that features over 100 original signatures including those of such notable individuals as dr helmut kohl , kofi annan , h . i . h . farah diba pahlavi , sir paul mccartney , boris becker , bill clinton , and paulo coelho to name but a few , the car was auctioned for the benefit of the unesco education for children in need 这是个独一无二的拍卖活动,所得款项将拨给联合国教科文组织的education for children in need基金会,签名的各界名流中更能找到德国前总理科尔博士联合国秘书长安南美国前总统克林顿前甲壳虫乐队成员麦卡尼爵士德国前网球明星贝克尔著名巴西作家保罗