The palace was a little less than it sounded, a narrow palladian facade, mossy steps, a dark archway of rusticated stone . 那些大厦比传闻的小些,帕拉底奥式的门面很狭窄,石阶上长满苔藓,阴暗的拱廓用粗琢的石头建成。
At the turn of the eighteenth century palladian mansions were emulating italian palazzos , but by the end of the century , this style had given way to neo - classicism and dublin became an outstanding example of georgian architecture 在17世纪与18世纪交替之际修建的帕拉第奥庄园,仿效了意大利的豪华宫殿风格,但是,到18世纪末时,这种风格已经让位于新古典主义,都柏林成了乔治王朝式建筑的杰出典范。