| 1. | These facts , he alleges , and the revolting spectacles offered by our streets , hideous publicity posters , religious ministers of all denominations , mutilated soldiers and sailors , exposed scorbutic cardrivers , the suspended carcases of dead animals , paranoic bachelors and unfructified duennas - these , he said , were accountable for any and every fallingoff in the calibre of the race 他声称,民族素质的衰退应统统归咎于这些因素以及我们街头上那些令人厌恶的景象:触目惊心的海报,各种支派的教士,陆海军的残废军人,风里雨里赶马车的坏血症患者,悬吊着的兽骸,患偏执狂的单身汉以及不能生育的护理妇。 |