| 1. | It is competent to parliament to prohibit it . 议会有禁止它的权力。 |
| 2. | I dare say he will be in parliament soon . 我相信他很快就会进国会。 |
| 3. | Proposed law , to be discussed by a parliament 提交议会讨论的法案 |
| 4. | She is our local representative in parliament . 她是国会中我们地区的代表。 |
| 5. | They fought the bill through parliament . 他们极力争取使该法案在国会获得通过。 |
| 6. | The queen has summoned parliament . 女王已召集了议会开会。 |
| 7. | Parliament debates the estimates . 议会对预算进行辩论。 |
| 8. | The bill was passed by parliament . 该法案已正式通过。 |
| 9. | The parliament was in bad odour among the people . 该国议会在百姓心目中已是声名狼藉。 |
| 10. | Parliament voted the bill through without a debate . 国会未经辩论就投票通过了这项法案。 |