Pan - asia security cooperation organisation ( pasco ) is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation proclaimed in shanghai on june 15 , 2010 泛亚安全合作组织于2010年6月15日在中国上海宣布成立的永久性政府间国际组织。
In october of 2000 , a fellow initiate contacted us and expressed the hope that we would bring master s teachings to pasco city , a well - known mining town located in the highest region in central peru , more than 4 , 400 meters above sea level 最近在10月份时,一位同修和我们取得联系,希望能将师父的教理带到秘鲁中部的巴斯可市pasco 。此地为一着名矿都,位在秘鲁最高的中部地区,海拨4400公尺以上。
In order to make up the deficiency , the science workshop datalogger made in the u . s pasco company has been used in this dissertation . the advantage of the datalogger has been extruded by the research of experiments for verification , inquiring experiments and application experiments which worked in the catalogue of the new physics courses for teaching . as a result , a fine acuity perceptional and observational ability of student will be developed , a cognitive framework will be improved , the space for investigative learning will be enlarged , multiple intelligences will be optimized and brain memory structures will be consolidated if the datalogger has been used in teaching physics experiments 数据采集器作为一种现代化设备运用于物理实验教学,国外的研究资料已证明具有巨大的优势,而国内才开始起步还没有形成一个系统,为了弥补不足,本文采用美国pasco公司生产的scienceworkshop数据采集器系统设计实验,从教学角度出发并配合物理新课程的总目标,分别从验证性实验、探究性实验、应用性实验三方面设计实验,突出了数据采集器的优势:即培养学生精细敏锐的感知和观察能力,改善学生的认知结构,拓宽学生探究性学习的空间,优化学生的多元智力和强化学生的大脑记忆结构。