| 1. | I wrote it as fervent and pathetically as i could . 我把我急切而凄楚的心情都尽可能表达了出来。 |
| 2. | "how insular and pathetically solitary," emmerson confided to his journal, "are all the people we know. " 埃默森在日记里写道:“我们认识的那些人,多么偏狭、多么孤芳自赏呵!” |
| 3. | By trying in some pathetically cliche ` fashion 用他那些委婉动听的陈腐风尚 |
| 4. | By trying in some pathetically cliche fashion 用他那些委婉动听的陈腐风尚 |
| 5. | By a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion .是不可能被增龄药这样的小把戏骗过的 |
| 6. | . . . by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion . . .是不可能被增龄药这样的小把戏骗过的 |
| 7. | How dare you be so pathetically melodramatic walking out on me like that 怎么这么怠慢的来迎接我? |
| 8. | Perhaps i m bored , said connie a little pathetically 也许是我烦恼的缘故” ,康妮说,她的声音有点可怜。 |
| 9. | And i felt so pathetically , woefully inadequate for the task ahead 我感到沮丧,悲伤,对眼前的任务准备不足。 |
| 10. | “ can we get up ? i ' m really hungry . ” he asks pathetically 我们可以起来了吗? ?我真的饿了。他可怜兮兮的问著。 |