Sometimes the water spread like a sheen over the pebbly bed . 有时河水泛流在圆石子的河床上,晶莹发光。
I trode on an edging of turf that the crackle of the pebbly gravel might not betray me : he was standing among the beds at a yard or two distant from where i had to pass ; the moth apparently engaged him 我踩在路边的草皮上,免得沙石路的咔嚓声把自己给暴露。他站在离我必经之地一两码的花坛中间,显然飞蛾吸引了他的注意力。 “我会顺利通过, ”我暗自思忖。
There was now visible a house or houses - for the building spread far - with many windows , and lights burning in some ; we went up a broad pebbly path , splashing wet , and were admitted at a door ; then the servant led me through a passage into a room with a fire , where she left me alone 这时看得见一间,也许是几间房子,因为那建筑物铺展得很开,上面有很多窗子,其中几扇里亮着灯。我们踏上一条水沫飞溅的宽阔石子路,后来又进了一扇门。接着仆人带我穿过一条过道,进了一个生着火的房间,撇下我走了。
They clung to the purple moors behind and around their dwelling - to the hollow vale into which the pebbly bridle - path leading from their gate descended , and which wound between fern - banks first , and then amongst a few of the wildest little pasture - fields that ever bordered a wilderness of heath , or gave sustenance to a flock of grey moorland sheep , with their little mossy - faced lambs : - they clung to this scene , i say , with a perfect enthusiasm of attachment 她们眷恋住宅后面和周围紫色的荒原一眷恋凹陷的溪谷。一条鹅卵石筑成的马道,从大门口由高而低通向那里,先在蔽树丛生的两岸之间蜿蜒着,随后又经过与欧石南荒原交界的几个最荒芜的小牧场。一群灰色的荒原羊和苔藓般面孔的羊羔,都靠这些牧场来维持生命嗨,她们热情满怀地眷恋着这番景色。