It was from these loins of war , that alexander was born , in pella 亚历山大就在战火中出生于佩拉
Archaeologists have unearthed a massive tomb in the northern greek town of pella , capital of the ancient kingdom of macedonia and birthplace of alexander the great 希腊考古学家日前在希腊北部古城培拉附近发现了一个规模很大的古代墓穴。培拉是古希腊马其顿王国的首都,同时也是亚历山大大帝的出生地。
Archaeologists have unearthed a massive tomb in the northern greek town of pella , capital of the ancient kingdom of macedonia and birthplace of alexander the great 希腊考古学家日前在希腊北部古城培拉附近发现了一个规模很大的古代墓穴。培拉是古希腊马其顿王国的首都,同时也是亚历山大大帝的出生地。
The 678 - square - foot tomb hewn out of rock was discovered by a farmer plowing his field on the eastern edge of the ancient cemetery of pella , some 370 miles north of athens , archaeologists said 从事挖掘工作的希腊考古学家称,这个面积达678平方英尺,在石头中开凿出来的墓穴是由当地一名农民在自己的上耕种时偶然发现的。