The electrons freed in the phototube cross over to the metal rod . 光电管中被释放的电子从金属片渡越到金属杆上。
These electrons cannot pass into the phototube because of the insulation on the metal plate . 由于金属板上的绝缘层,这些电子并不能进入电光管。
Detail specification for electronic components phototube of type gd - 24 电子元器件详细规范. gd - 24型光电管
The multiplication system of the electron - multiplier phototube is based on electronic voltage . so , it is especially important to choose a suitable pmt and reasonably design pmt disparted - voltage - device 经分析比较各种型号光电倍增管的性能及特点,本文采用emi公司双碱阴极的9789qb管型光电倍增管。