n. 1.虔信派〔17世纪德国路德教的一个宗派〕;虔信主义。 2.〔p-〕虔诚,虔敬。 3.假装虔诚。
Example Sentences:
Beyond false forms of pietism or manipulative assistance , fasting makes it possible to share our daily bread with those who are without 再说,禁食也使人真心诚意地与缺乏食物的人分享食品,而不是出于娇柔造作的怜悯行为或虚伪的救济行动。
Thus , with traditional buddhist pietism , we can embrace the religious side of faith and devotion , but shy off from the hard - headed world - view and the task of critical inquiry ; or , with modern buddhist apologetics , we can extol the dhamma ' s empiricism and resemblance to science , but stumble embarrassingly over the religious side 这样一来,在传统的崇拜式佛教里,我们包容了信仰的宗教性与崇敬那一面,却回避了脚踏实地的世界观与批评探索的任务;或者,为现代佛法作辩,我们可以赞扬佛法的经验性、与科学的相似性,但在宗教那一面尴尬地踌躇不前。