Tubular lamps and pigmy lamps for indication purposes 指示用管形灯和小型灯
General lighting service lamps ; tubular lamps , pigmy lamps 普通照明灯.管形灯.微形灯泡
A baby kobitokaba ( pigmy hippopotamus ) was born in april 2001 2001年4月,矮河马的小崽儿在这里诞生。
General lighting service lamps ; round bulb signal lamps , pigmy signal lamps ; restricted temperature design 普通照明灯.圆形灯泡信号灯微型信号灯.限制温度设
He and the mender of roads sat on the heap of stones looking silently at one another , with the hail driving in between them like a pigmy charge of bayonets , until the sky began to clear over the village 他和补路工都坐在石头上,彼此默默地望着。冰雹在他们之间洒落,仿佛是小人国的刺刀在袭击。村子上空的天终于放晴了。
Yet , when this cherished volume was now placed in my hand - when i turned over its leaves , and sought in its marvellous pictures the charm i had , till now , never failed to find - all was eerie and dreary ; the giants were gaunt goblins , the pigmies malevolent and fearful imps , gulliver a most desolate wanderer in most dread and dangerous regions 然而,此刻当我手里捧着这本珍爱的书,一页页翻过去,从精妙的插图中寻觅以前每试必爽的魅力时,我找到的只是怪异和凄凉。巨人成了憔悴的妖怪,矮子沦为恶毒可怖的小鬼,而格列佛则已是陷身于险境的孤独的流浪者了。