Master chew & fellow disciple bao on a trip to tanjong pinang 周师父与师弟包师父来到印尼的丹容槟榔岛。
Pulau pinang hotel room rates 槟城酒店价格
Master chew taking a boat to the affected shop house residence at a small island 2 . 5 hours away from tanjong pinang 师父们乘两个半小时船到另一个小鱼村岛的杂货店屋。
All or our products , marked with the name brand “ jian si mao ” , such as “ jian si mao cooked food ” 、 “ chili saucer ” & “ pinang ” series etc , are very popular with all thg people . when competing with other contenders for food market , our enterprise has been kept the first place for many years and is leading the cooked food market trend in hu han 公司生产的“简四毛”牌系列熟食品和“简四毛牌”系列辣酱品、休闲果脯系列、名人槟榔系列自面市以来得到了广大消费者和各地经销商的青睐,在激烈的市场竞争中仍居同行之首,率先领导湖南熟食品行业的潮流。