So pitifully did she plead that the baron grew calm and decided to have mercy on her . 她悲戚地哀求着,男爵冷静下来了,决定绕了她。
Pitifully , most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love 可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。
Once they arrive , look at them pitifully , shake your head , and move on 一旦它们降临,以怜悯的方式看着,摇摇头,继续前进。
At first , the donkey realized what was happening and again cried pitifully 当这头驴子了解到自己的处境时,刚开始哭得很凄惨。
You jump over not her when returns to the matter , she more can pitifully hold to you 你越是不把她当回事情,她越会可怜巴巴地粘着你。
The institutions needed for a properly functioning market economy were pitifully lacking 该制度需要的健全的市场积极体制却遗憾的缺少。
She nodded her head and smiled , and he felt , somehow , that her smile was tolerant , pitifully tolerant 她点头微笑了,他不知怎么觉得那微笑透着宽容,一种出于怜悯的宽容。
Pitifully , it ' s proneness to fire and paper rupture severely affect the quality control of production when manufacturing 但是,在加工时容易出现火灾和断纸等问题,影响了产品的制造速度。
Individual power is pitifully meager ; she oscillates between feeling good and bad , as if she knows that this is a never - ending movement 个人力量何其渺小,她心情忽高忽低,彷佛知道这是一场没完没了的运动。
Naturally , there ' s no sign of shiki , nor anywhere he could hide , but hisui still wanders around the room , searching pitifully 自然,没有志贵的迹象,也没有他能躲的地方,但是翡翠仍然在房间里走动,令人可怜地寻找着。