However , without funding , it is likely that a hodge - podge of anglicisms will prevail 但是,没有资金的支持,产品难免会夹杂大量的英语腔调。
You are likely to wind up with a hodge - podge application in which various smaller transformations are chained together with heterogeneous techniques and tools 您很可能最终得到一个大杂烩应用程序,其中各种较小的转换用异构技术和工具串联在一起。
It does n ' t matter if they flock here to eat mee goreng , chicken rice , a us prime rib or some intriguing east - meets - west fusion dish . after all , we are moving closer to being a global city with a hodge - podge of influences 无论是马来炒面海南鸡饭美国烤排骨或者是新鲜有趣东西方合并的融合菜肴,他们在这里要品尝什么食物都无所谓,毕竟我们正逐渐成为一个受四方八面影响的大都会。