| 1. | Kantipur daily , pokhara , nepal 88新闻传真尼泊尔kantipur日报 |
| 2. | The second " feast of beauty " at pokhara nepal by the nepal work team 88第一线再临尼泊尔波卡拉城美的飨宴第二波活动 |
| 3. | As the mayor of pokhara was on a trip overseas , the deputy mayor was invited to cut the ribbon 因第一市长出国,由第二市长应邀剪彩,剪彩完毕,义诊会场已排了长人潮等待就诊。 |
| 4. | Since english was not as popular in pokhara as in katmandu , each replica print of master s paintings carried nepalese titles and brief introductions 在波卡拉城,英文不如加德满都那般通行,所以这次师父的复制画下面都有尼泊尔文的翻译。 |
| 5. | In 1992 i visited a hill village in nepal called madan pokhara where sprinkler systems supplied from small reservoirs irrigated the farms 1992年,我造访了尼泊尔一个名为马丹波哈拉的山村,当地农民利用?水系统,从一个储水槽接水灌溉农田。 |
| 6. | An profound atmosphere of spiritual practice pervades the city of pokhara , where vegetarianism and spiritual cultivation form part of its traditional heritage 整个波卡拉城,灵气十分高,修行气氛十分浓厚,吃素修行好像一种沿袭的风俗传统。 |
| 7. | The main tour cities in nepal are the capital kathmandu , the second biggest city patan , the third biggest city bhaktapur and the famous scenery site pokhara 尼泊尔主要的旅游城市有首都加德满都、第二大城市帕坦、第三大城市巴德岗以及著名的风景胜地博卡拉。 |
| 8. | When it concluded , the second minister of education of nepal strongly recommended a very spiritual city - pokhara , where he hoped master s works of art could be exhibited 尼国教育部次长于活动结束后,特别推荐波卡拉是极具灵性气息的城市,希望师父的艺术作品也能在那里展示。 |
| 9. | Surrounded by mountains and an ethereal landscape , pokhara , the second largest city of nepal , is home to many descendants of brahman families whose beautiful tradition of observing a vegetarian diet and the precept of ahimsa have been preserved until today 波卡拉是尼泊尔第二大城,四面环山,风光灵秀。城里有许多是婆罗门的后代,婆罗门持不杀生,他们的后代也保留这个良好的传统。 |
| 10. | By the time the opening ceremony was over , a long queue had formed at the free medical consultation office . the mayor visited the exhibition upon his return the next day and expressed his appreciation for the much - needed medical service provided to the citizens of pokhara 第二天市长由国外回来,特地到现场参观,十分感激我们能在波卡拉办义诊,因为当地真的很需要,希望我们延长义诊之时间。 |