The nobel prize in chemistry : john c . polanyi 诺贝尔化学奖-约翰普朗易
Michael polanyi : change from a scientist to an aftercrticism philosopher 从科学家向后批判哲学家的转变
Study on polanyi ' s stochastic viewpoint 论波兰尼的随机观
1986 john c . polanyi canada 1986年约翰普朗易加拿大
M . polanyi : the study of man , university of chicago press , 1958 见马斯洛: 《人性能达的境界》 ,云南人民出版社, 1987年,第75页。
From the classic to modern - day : social division of labor and social solidarity questioning polanyi ' s proposition 社会分工与社会团结对博兰尼一个命题的质疑
This paper tries to point out a possibility neglected by polanyi ' s theory that the focal awareness of the canvas may be simultaneous with the subsidiary awareness of natural images , which explains the reason why polanyi ' s theory cannot be applied to chinese and modern abstract paintings , thus demonstrating the great differences between western and chinese paintings from a powerful new perspective 本文认? ,博兰尼近乎完美的分析中忽略了一种可能性,即集中意识到人工痕迹的同时辅助地意识到自然图像,并指出这种被忽略的情形刚好符合博兰尼的理论不能解释的中国绘画和现代抽象绘画,从而可以有力地显示出中西绘画之间的巨大差异。