| 1. | However , the origin and nature of the pomeron is still unknown 对于pomeron的存在,理论上也有许多争论。 |
| 2. | That is well taken into account when calculating particle production , but not when cal - culating cross section 无论是处理几率计算还是粒子产生,无论是第一个pomeron还是多个pomeron都如此。 |
| 3. | The monte carlo simulation offers a systematic and efficient way to study this unknown realm by qualitative comparisons to the experiments Pomeron是多重散射中交换的一种唯象粒子,在粒子产生过程中用两根色弦来表示。 |
| 4. | With the development of quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) , people started to investigate the origin and nature of the pomeron from qcd viewpoint 随着量子色动力学( qcd )理论的发展,人们开始用qcd的观点去探讨pomeron本源和性质。 |
| 5. | Therefore , we can study these short distance phenomena by use of multigluon exchange among the quarks , which carries quantum numbers of vacuum 因此,我们能够通过应用夸克之间多胶子交换过程来研究这些短程现象,它们具有pomeron所应该有的真空量子数。 |
| 6. | Another approach , the gri6ov - regge theory allows multiple interactions to happen in par - allel . the energy needs to be shared among elementary interactions Nexus模型按自洽性的要求,在能量守恒的条件下计算不同pomeron数目对应的几率,并且使得pomeron是全同的。 |
| 7. | It is natural to suppose that pomeron exchange is just the exchange of several gluons , at least two , and these gluons couple to a same single quark 我们很自然的想到交换pomeron的过程对应于交换几个胶子,至少应该是两个胶子,而且这些胶子应该和质子内部的同一夸克相藕合。 |
| 8. | So cross section and particle production are not calculated consistently . and it is difficult for gri5ov - regge theory to include hard process . the parton 6ased gri6ov - regge theory provide a solution : elementary scatterings happen in parajlel , described phenomenologically as pomeron exchanges 因此,在nexus中pomeron的色弦形成方式就与其它模型很不相同;即使只有一个pomeron交换,色弦的端点也是海夸克和反夸克,而不是价夸克。 |
| 9. | The hard process is included in a natural way , which offers the opportunity to calculate the parton spectra and parton density which aie closely related to the forinatioi1 of quark gluon plasma . the strict calculation is performed on the parton level , however , hadrons are finally observable particles 而pomeron与remnant之间的关联,以及pomeron之间的关联,则通过补偿夸克(或感应夸克)来实现? ?每当一个海夸克或一个反夸克从真空中激发出来作为pomeron的色弦端点时,它的反粒子也从真空中激发出来,进入到相邻的remnant中。 |
| 10. | The knowledge of these initial collision is crucial for any theoretical treat - ment of a possible parton - hadron phase transition , the detection of which being the ultimate aim of all the efforts of co1liding heavy ions at very high energies . the parton model allows to calculate inclusive cross sections as a convolution of any elementary cross section with parton distribution functions , assuming that factorization works . the disadvantage is that tlle first interaction is coilsidered quite differently from the subsequent ones in case of multiple scattering 其它的弦模型在计算几率时,忽略了入射能量在pomeron之间的分配,破坏了能量守恒,而且把pomeron作为全同粒子处理,即pomeron之间是不可区分的;然而在处理粒子产生时,这些模型虽然考虑了能量守恒,但是第一个pomeron的粒子产生与其它的pomeron很不一样? ? pomeron在粒子产生时不是全同的。 |