Pomposity was a feature of mark from a very tender age . 马克在幼年时就表现得很没有礼貌。
She answered pomposity with irony and dominated conversations by her personality and shrewd psychology . 对于虚夸自负她用的是反唇相讥,她以她的人品和机敏的心理来控制同人家谈话的进程。
Ah , the pomposity of his tone , the bluster , the arrogance 啊,他那巧舌如簧,那咆哮,那傲慢。
An elaborate signature indicates pomposity and self - importance 过分精心的签名则暗示你的夸耀和自负。
The title offends for three reasons , and pomposity is the least of them 这个头衔令人不快有3个原因,华而不实是其中最无关紧要的一个。
Without being conscious that i ' m doing anything ridiculous , i fall into the trap of pomposity 完全没有意识到自己是在做着一些荒谬的事情,我已经跌进了自负的陷阱中。
I agree with you , socrates gave the critical activity a grand start , but he did more than that , said charlie may , rather magisterially . the cronies had such a curious pomposity under their assumed modesty 苏格拉底在批评活动上给了一个大大的推动,这点我是和你的意见一致的,但是他的工作并不尽于此。 ”
These styles showed his classical 、 gentle 、 full - bodied gentleman completely , honorable colorful , not only possessed of the pomposity of the over - realistic but also including the comfortable using confidently 这些款式尽显经典、风度,醇厚的绅士气息十足,色彩高贵,既有贵族式的超现实的华丽,又能充分考虑使用时的舒适性及时尚显示。
Personally , he was an intellectual moralist , and more offending to him than platitudinous pomposity was the morality of those about him , which was a curious hotchpotch of the economic , the metaphysical , the sentimental , and the imitative . a sample of this curious messy mixture he encountered nearer home 他本人是个理性的道德家,而在他眼里他周围这些人的道德观却比大言不惭的陈词监调更为可厌,那是一种经济道德形而上学道德伤感主义道德跟人云亦云的道德的妙不盯言的大杂烩。