A pragmatical approach to the use of passive voice 从语用角度谈英语被动语态的选择
Pichard shusterman and pragmatical aesthetics 舒斯特曼与实用主义美学
New pragmatical seeking of logical particle quot; bu quot 的语用新探
We believe : the way , want pragmatical going down step by step 我们相信:路,要脚踏实地的一步一步走下去!
The pragmatical characteristics and assimilative manifestation of the adjective of abb 玉林话形容词重叠式的结构形式
The pragmatical study on impact of equity structure variables on business financial distress 股权结构变量对企业财务危机影响的实证研究
In this paper , marketing mix decision model has been constructed by the application of artificial neutral network technique . on the basis of finding of two new method integrating both artificial neutral network and petri net techniques , regulate - control models have also been built . besides deeply analyzing each model , a pragmatical analysis has been practiced by introducing the products that is priced at about 10 yuan in xi ' an cigarette market as an example , the methods of enhance the market share of products also be given 本文建立了市场营销组合的人工神经网络模型,在寻找到两种人工神经网络与petri网技术整合新方法的基础上,构建了企业市场营销组合决策的调控模型,除了对各个模型进行深入的分析外,还以西安市烟草市场销售价格在10元左右的产品为例进行了具体的研究和分析,提出了提高产品市场占有率的方法,具有一定的现实意义;最后,论文描述了应用现代编程方法开发一个方便、实用的petri网图形编辑和仿真工具的过程,为论文研究工作的顺利提供了保证,也为今后petri网理论和应用的相关科研工作奠定了基础。
Catching the meaning of words literally from the context in freanch - chinese translation leads to the major reasons of misunderstanding and mustranslation , and this is ofter caused by failure to understand the polysemy of words , the collocation meaning of words , jargons established by usage , figurative sense of words , words ' extended meaning , words bearing historical and religious senses , as well as the specific pragmatical meaning of words in certain context 摘要望文生义所致误解误译,主要有如下几种情形:不了解词汇的多义性和搭配意义;不懂约定俗成的术语行话;不明白转义、引申义、 ?史或宗教意义;不清楚词语在上下文中的具体语用意义。
With the intention of presenting an original perspective for the teaching of oral english , this paper analyzes the connotation of the concept " linguistic information gap " , and then probes into the possible information gaps and the corresponding causes on three levels - phonological , semantical and pragmatical respectively 信息差影响着人们的言语交流,影响着人们彼此问的理解和信任,文章分析了口语交流中信息差的概念内涵,进而从语音、语义、语用三个层面出发,分别对其可能产生的信息差及其成因作了探讨,为英语口语教学提供了新的视角。
After drawing from the local as well as international experiences , there are five patterns of teacher education paradigms to be discussed in this research : " competence - based paradigm " , " practical / pragmatical paradigm " , " investigative / inquiring paradigm " , " reflective / critical paradigm " , and " social reconstructionist paradigm 在借鉴国内外经验之后,本研究将教师教育范式归纳为能力本位、实务实际、研究探究、反省批判与社会重建等五种类型,并且秉持多元的、综合的教师教育范式观进行研究。