Trichomoniasis is a contagious, venereal disease of cattle characterized by sterility, pyometra and abortion . 滴虫病是牛的一种接触传染的性病。以不育、子宫积脓和流产为特征。
Pyometra is a potentially lethal uterine infection 子宫蓄脓是一种可以致命的子宫感染。
To avoid pyometra , you need to know when and how often females can be bred 为了避免子宫积脓,你需要了解母猫什么时候可以进行繁育,同时也需要了解母猫多长时间可以繁育一次。
Pyometra in dogs and cats is the result of hormonally induced changes in the uterus that allow secondary infection to occur 在犬猫的子宫蓄脓是因贺尔蒙引发子宫变化,而致子宫继发感染。
It ' s also best to finish showing before breeding , but do keep her out for more than a few heat cycles , or she may end up with pyometra 最好能在开始配猫之前就停止比赛,但是要注意即使如此还是要过一两个发情期之后才开始配猫,否则母猫容易患子宫蓄脓。