The greatest dangers of pyroclastic avalanches are probably heat and suffocation . 火成碎屑崩落的最大危害可能是炽热和窒息作用。
Pyroclastic rocks pyroclasts 火山碎屑岩
Pyroclastic rocks are a kind of transitional and complex rocks between lavas and sedimentary rocks 摘要火山碎屑岩是介于溶岩和沈积岩之间的过渡类型岩石,岩类复杂。
As bad as the pyroclastic flows are , the ash injected into the atmosphere can have even more far - reaching consequences 如同火山碎屑流般凶恶,喷发进入大气层的火山灰甚至会造成更深远的影响。
Despite of this , the field geology and the character of pyroclastic rocks remain the basis of the petrogenesis of pyroclasic rocks 尽管这样,野外地质和火山碎屑岩的岩性特徵,仍是火山碎屑岩成因研究的基础。
As the land above the magma chamber collapses , immense gray clouds called pyroclastic flows burst out horizontally all around the caldera 当岩浆库上方的陆地崩陷,称为火山碎屑流的巨大灰色云雾,会突然由火山臼的周围向外水平散开。
On the basis of the past schemes , new classifications of pyroclasts and the petrographic as well as the petrogenetic classification of pyroclastic rocks are proposed in this paper 中国学者提出的火山碎屑岩分类时间较早,有自己特色,在一定的范围得到了应用。
Pe trologists , both at home and abroad have spent a lot of time on the classification of pyroclastic rocks , and successively put forward the classification of pyroclasts , the petrographic and the petrogenetic classification of pyroclasic rocks 长期以来,火山碎屑岩的分类研究受到了国内外学者的重视,先后提出了火山碎屑物、火山碎屑岩岩性和火山碎屑岩成因分类。
The lithology of c petrofabric is marble , accidental gneiss . by field attitude , rock association character , petrography and petrochemistry , we know that the protolith of a petrofabric is mainly composed of pelite , sandstone and basic to acidic volcanic , that of b petrofabric mainly a suite of pelite , sandstone ( maybe include volcanic ) , and that of c petrofabric mainly limestone , impurity limestone , a few of pelite and pyroclastic rock A岩组的岩性主要是各种角闪岩类和片麻岩类夹有片岩,偶有变粒岩、大理岩。 b岩组的岩性主要是各种片岩夹有大理岩、石英岩。 c岩组主要是一套大理岩,偶有片麻岩。