My only point is that it has been a pyrrhic victory 我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。
Those who defeated the senate ' s immigration bill won a pyrrhic victory 那些使参院提案失败的人胜利是得不偿失的。
Gretchen ' s unexpected win over the tournament ' s top player proved a pyrrhic victory ; in the effort , she reinjured her shoulder 戈瑞特在顶级选手巡回赛出人意料的胜利被证明是得不偿失的,在比赛中,她的肩部再次受伤。
He proved his point by exposing malpractices by the directors , but it was a pyrrhic victory because they made him redundant immediately afterwards 他以揭露董事们利用私权职权营私舞弊的行为证明他的论点,不过那是付出极在代价而得到的胜利,因为后来他们很快就裁减了他。
Mr murdoch has , however , paid a high price for dow jones ? at least $ 1 billion , and perhaps $ 2 billion , more than appears justified by the fundamentals of the business ? so news corporation ' s shareholders may come to regard his victory as pyrrhic 不过,默多克先生为收购道琼斯支付了高价? ?比商业基本准则认为的合理价格至少高出10亿美元,或许是20亿美元? ?因此,新闻集团的股东们或许会将此视作代价惨重的胜利。