She gazed at him - a pythoness in humour 她直视着他-活脱脱一个女巫的神气。
Albert , without knowing why , started on hearing these words pronounced with such a haughty and dignified accent ; it appeared to him as if there was something supernaturally gloomy and terrible in the expression which gleamed from the brilliant eyes of haid e at this moment ; she appeared like a pythoness evoking a spectre , as she recalled to his mind the remembrance of the fearful death of this man , to the news of which all europe had listened with horror 这几句话的语气简直自豪和庄严得无以形容,阿尔贝听了不知为何竟吓了一跳他仿佛觉着在海黛那一对明亮的眼睛里,有某种非常阴森可怖的表情阿里铁贝林那次惨死在欧洲曾经轰动一时,而她此时象是一个招魂的女巫,把那个血淋淋的鬼魂又呼唤了出来。