| 1. | Therefore , lhe - police system of the zhili province in the late qmg dynasty is a valuable subject deserving researches 因此,清末直隶警政是一个很值得研究的课题。 |
| 2. | The greatest improvement occurred in patients with more severe disease as defined by a qmg score for disease severity greater than 10 . 5 而最显著的改善出现在疾病严重程度qmg评分大于10 . 5的严重病人。 |
| 3. | Results : in ivig - treated patients , a clinically meaningful improvement in qmg score for disease severity was observed at day 14 and persisted at day 28 结果:使用ivig的患者,重症肌无力疾病严重程度评分在14天出现有意义的改善,并持续改善至28天。 |
| 4. | The thesis could be divided into four pails : part 1 mainly introduce the background of the establishment of the police system of the zhili province in the late qmg dynast ) 全文共分四部分文章第一部分主要介绍清末直隶警政创行的背景及推行概况。 |
| 5. | The quantitative myasthenia gravis ( qmg ) score for disease severity , a validated clinical composite scale , was calculated by a masked observer at baseline and days 14 and 28 被设盲的观察者通过定量重症肌无力疾病严重程度评分系统这一被认可的复合标准来计算基础水平和14天、 28天的评分。 |
| 6. | This thesis attempts to discuss about the police system of the zhili province in the late qmg dynasty on the basis of the previous researches and with the help of the official documents , newspapers and the relevant local annals 本文将在前人研究的基础上,通过对官方文献、报刊资料及相关的地方志等大量史料的爬梳,对清末直隶警政作一浅显探讨。 |
| 7. | The new deal was an influential event in the late qmg dynasty , of which research is significant as well in the field of modern history . the establishment of the police system in the new deal was important and rather effective in the late qing dynasty 消末新政是晚清的一件大事,也是我们近代史学界研究的重点领域。在清末新政中,巡警制度的建立是一项非常重要而又收有一定成效的内容。 |
| 8. | The immediate cause of its establishment was that tianjin had been taken over from the foreign intruders i he police system of the zhili province in the late qmg dynasty was firstly set up in the two big cities of baoding and tianjin , and then spread to all the counties in the zhili province , and further into the vast countryside and the police system was gradually improved in the meanwhile 其创行的直接原因则是从外国占领者手中接收天津。清末直隶警政最先在保定、天津两大城市创兴,随后推广到各州县的县城,再后排广到广大乡村。在这个过程中,警制逐渐完善。 |