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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

白油 technical white oil
白洋淀 Baiyangdian Lake
白浪淘沙 The billows washing up the s...
白浪滔天 white-crested waves surging ...
白浪滔滔 whitecaps surging keeping up...
白浪翻滚 The waves rolled and foamed.
白涂料 whiting
白炭 hard charcoal
白炽灯 filament lamp
白热化 turn white-hot
白煤 anthracite
白熊 sea bear
白狐 white fox
白狼毒 euphorbiae fischerianae
白玉 white jade
白玉无瑕 flawless white jade
白班 day shift
白琥珀 bactard
白璧微瑕 a flaw in a white jade -- a ...
白璧无瑕 flawless white jade
白男 a surname
白男仲 Bainan Zhong
白痢 dysentery characterized by w...
白痴 idiocy idiot
白癜风 leucoderma
白癣 tinea alba
白白 in vain
白白送人 hand sth. on a silver platte...
白皑皑 dazzlingly white
白皙 white-skinned
白皙的肤色 a fair complexion
白皮书 white paper
白皮病 white skin disease
白相 play
白相人 loafer
白看戏 see a free play
白眼 supercilious look
白眼相加 Each gives the other a cold ...
白眼看人 treat people superciliously
白矮星 white dwarf
白石砬子 Baishilazi
白石粼粼 clear white stone
白矾 alum
白砒 white arsenic
白磷 white phosphorus
白秃疮 tinea capitis
白种 the white race
白种人 the white race
白种男人 honky
白米 rice
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