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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

白蒙蒙 a vast expanse of whiteness
白蔹 radix ampelopsis
白蔹素 ampelopsin
白薇 radix cynanchi atrati
白薯 sweet potato
白薯秧 sweet potato vine
白薯蓣 white yam
白虎 White Tiger
白虎星 White Tiger evil spirit jinx
白虎汤 Baihu Tang
白蚁 termitid
白蚁专家 termitologist
白蚁巢 termite hill
白蛉 sandfly
白蛋白 albumin
白蜡 white wax
白蜡属 Fraxinus
白蜡树 Chinese ash
白蜡虫 wax insect
白血球 leucocyte
白血球游动抑制因子 leucocyte migration inhibiti...
白血球溶解 leucolysis
白血球细胞核异 palger anomaly
白血病 leukemia
白血病毒 leucovirus
白血病疹 leukemid
白血病病毒 leukoviruses
白衣天使 angels in white -- hospital ...
白衣战士 warrior in white
白衣护士 a white-robed nurse
白衣服容易弄脏 White clothes stain easily.
白衬衫 a white shirt
白衬衫被汗水渍黄了 The white shirt was yellowed...
白话 the written form of modern C...
白话小说 novels in the vernacular Chi...
白话文 writings in the vernacular
白话诗 free verse written in the ve...
白说 waste one's breath
白豆蔻 Amomum cardamomum
白象 white elephant
白货 heroin
白费 waste
白费力气 labour without results
白费心思 rack one's brains in vain
白费心机 scheme in vain
白费气力 waste one's effort on
白赤莲 white adder's-tongue
白跑一趟 make a trip in vain
白躐 solder pewter
白身 not holding any government o...
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