| 1. | Ada : susanna branchini adina aaron radames : warren mok oleg kulko 阿伊达:苏珊娜班哲妮/雅汀娜雅朗 |
| 2. | Radames enters dressed for battle and receives the sacred sword 拉达梅斯进入殿内,披上战衣,领受圣剑。 |
| 3. | Amneris wants to save radames and has him brought before her 安奈莉丝想要拯救拉达梅斯,命人把他带进来。 |
| 4. | In a crypt below the temple of vulcan , radames is sealed in a living tomb 在神殿的地牢,拉达梅斯被关在墓室。 |
| 5. | While the crowd cheers , radames and ada secretly express their sorrow 群众欢呼之际,拉达梅斯与阿伊达只可暗里哀伤。 |
| 6. | When ada enters , she decides to test whether ada is in love with radames 公主安奈莉丝在女奴的簇拥下穿衣,预备参加凯旋庆典。 |
| 7. | Radames enters , and on greeting him , the king offers to honour any request he makes 拉达梅斯抵达城门,国王上前迎接并答应允许他的任何请求。 |
| 8. | Ada is hiding nearby to wait for radames for their rendezvous , but when she is waiting , amonasro appears 阿伊达躲在附近,等待与拉达梅斯约会。等候之际,阿莫纳斯罗出现。 |
| 9. | The king approves this suggestion and announces that he intends to reward radames by bestowing the hand of amneris upon him 国王赞同建议,并宣布犒赏拉达梅斯,要把女儿安奈莉丝许配给他。 |
| 10. | As the lovers die in each other s arms , amneris , in bitter isolation , prays for radames to rest in eternal peace 当这对爱人相相死在彼此的怀中,伤心的安奈莉丝只感孤零凄苦,唯有祈求拉达梅斯永远安息。 |