| 1. | Epsom ewell residents and ratepayers ' association Epsom和ewell区居民及纳税人协会 |
| 2. | Notification of change of ratepayer ' s name and address 差饷缴纳人更改姓名及地址通知书 |
| 3. | A form r1a will be sent to the ratepayer by post for completion 表格r1a会邮寄给差饷缴纳人填报。 |
| 4. | Expenses incurred by telephone company that are charged to the ratepayer by being allowed in the company ' s rate - base 电话公司的收费,允许在公司的费率基础上向纳税人征收。 |
| 5. | The question we should be asking is whether the tax and ratepayers should shoulder any subsidy at all 我们需要考虑的问题是,应否要求纳税人和付差饷的市民承担任何补贴费用。 |
| 6. | Over 2 . 7 million ratepayers will benefit , and 84 per cent of them need pay no rates for one year 超过二百七十万名差饷缴纳人将会受惠,其中百分之八十四的缴纳人将毋须缴付差饷一年。 |
| 7. | We expect that about 65 per cent of ratepayers will see an average increase in their rates bill of around 预计约百分之六十五的缴纳差饷人士在下年度的差饷负担将会增加,增幅平均约为每月 |
| 8. | A rates payment reduction of up to $ 2 , 000 for each rateable tenement . about 840 000 ratepayers will pay no rates in 2002 在二零零二年,约有八十四万名原本须缴纳差饷的市民可完全免纳差饷。 |
| 9. | We estimate that 840 000 ratepayers will not pay any rates in 2002 , while the remainder will enjoy a full reduction of 2 , 000 估计八十四万缴纳差饷的市民明年将完全免纳差饷,其馀的则获得减徵二千元。 |
| 10. | So , while nearly 80 per cent of ratepayers will see an increase in their rates bill , this will only be about 37 a month on average 接近八成缴纳差饷人士在下年度的差饷将会增加,增幅平均约为每月37元。 |