Underwriting and reinsuring the risk , and processing claims 承保再承保风险及处理索偿
American cargo war risk reinsure exchange 美国货物兵险再保险交易所
O . i . n . c . can be reinsured to insurance or reinsurance companies and its payments are guaranteed by the state 可向保险或再保险公司安排分保,其支付能力由国家提供保证。
The arrangements we have with certain providers , including the potential to reinsure products , may also influence what products we identify 本行与某些提供者的安排,包括为产品作再保的潜在可能性,亦可能影响本行认定产品的类别。
The arrangements the bank has with certain providers , including the potential to reinsure products , may also influence what products the bank identifies 本行与某些提供者的安排,包括为产品作再保的潜在可能性,亦可能影响本行认定产品的类别。
Article 101 with the exception of life insurance business , an insurance company shall reinsure twenty ( 20 ) percent of each insurance contract it underwrites in accordance with the relevant state regulations 第一百零一条除人寿保险业务外,保险公司应当将其承保的每笔保险业务的百分之二十按照国家有关规定办理再保险。