A small and tender remontant osmanthus bush and some golden sunflowers greet us at the foot of the east wall . nearby is a small cement platform for flower pots , where some green potted plants flourish . all four walls look new after a whitewash , and in the west end of the yard , a clear water pool , stoves , a kitchen , and a bathroom are available 当你踏进现今的庭院时,映入眼帘的是一片铺地的米黄色磁砖,靠着南墙是一排整洁的格式水泥壁柜,上面放满同修拿来的钵花东墙脚下,迎接着我们的是一株娇小的四季桂,旁边还有金色的太阳花相伴接着紧挨的是专放花钵的小小水泥台,上面摆放了生气盎然的盆栽四面墙壁经过粉刷后显得焕然一新西面有洁白的水池灶台,厨房和洗手间供大家使用。