St mary s church college rhenish church pang hok - ko memorial college 礼贤会彭学高纪念中学
Rhenish missionary society 礼贤差会
He invariably paid the way for both , and it was through him that martin learned the refinements of food , drank his first champagne , and made acquaintance with rhenish wines 他总是付两人的车费,马丁是通过他才明白了食物的美妙的。他喝到了第一杯香按,也见识了莱因葡萄酒。
What say you , good masters , to a squab pigeon pasty , some collops of venison , a saddle of veal , widgeon with crisp hog s bacon , a boar s head with pistachios , a bason of jolly custard , a medlar tansy and a flagon of old rhenish 油酥面雏鸽馅饼,薄鹿肉片,小牛里脊,配上酥脆熏猪肉的赤颈鬼,配上阿月浑子籽儿的公猪头肉一盘令人赏心悦目的乳蛋糕,配上欧楂的艾菊,再来一壶陈莱茵白葡萄酒,不知老爷们意下如何? ”