It has arrived at the h ? tel des princes , rue de richelieu 现在已经运到黎希留路太子旅馆了。
Saint - jean - sur - richelieu 黎悉留河畔圣尚市
You saw the child pass through the rue richelieu last year , who amused himself with killing his brothers and sisters by sticking pins in their ears while they slept 他乘他哥哥姊姊睡着的时候把一枚针戳到他们的耳朵里,弄死了他们,他只是觉得这样好玩。
Although the french and british queen palestinian beijing - wuhan duke bent to prevent war , preserve peace , but fall into the sinister richelieu set the trap 虽然法国王后和英国的巴京汉公爵一心要阻止战争,维护和平,但却落入阴险的黎塞留设下的陷阱里。
It is solomon de cares , the discoverer of the power of steam , whose theory , expressed in dark words , is not understood by richelieu ; and he dies in the madhouse 这就是所罗门?德?凯尔瑞兹,正是他发现了蒸汽机,因为他的理论表述晦涩难懂,红衣主教黎塞留一时读不懂,竟将他关死在疯人院里。
At that time , france had the most powerful prime minister richelieu , command their own security teams , in an attempt to use the fictitious king louis xiii . launched the war with britain 当时,法国最有权势的宰相黎塞留,指挥自己的护卫队,企图利用徒有虚名的国王路易十三,发动同英国的战争。
The 1 never fails , never trembles , never strikes thirty times ineffectually , like the soldier who beheaded the count of chalais , and to whose tender mercy richelieu had doubtless recommended the sufferer 那断头机是决不会失灵,决不会颤抖,也决不会象杀夏莱伯爵的那个兵那样连砍三十次的。红衣主教黎布留无疑是因为看到夏七伯爵被杀头时的那种惨景,动了恻隐之心,才改良刑法的。
Most probably morrel and chateau - renaud returned to their " domestic hearths , " as they say in the gallery of the chamber in well - turned speeches , and in the theatre of the rue richelieu in well - written pieces ; but it was not the case with debray 莫雷尔和夏多勒诺很可能是到“炉边叙天伦之乐”去了,就如同他们在议院演讲台上措辞华丽的演说词中或黎希留路戏院里编写的工整的剧本中所说的那样德布雷则不然。