5 when a piton is intentionally removed it should be replaced with a fixed hanger or ringbolt 5为某因素而特意移除岩钉时,应以固定耳片或环形锚栓加以更换。
Where good natural protection is not available a fixed hanger or ringbolt should replace the piton 若该处并无良好的天然支点,则应以固定耳片或环形锚栓取代该岩钉。
10 when a fixed wire / sling / rope / cord is an essential point of protection then it should be removed and replaced with fixed hanger / ringbolt / rappel / abseil anchors 当构成支点的主要元件为铁线/扁带/绳索/细绳时,最好将之移除,并用固定耳片/环形锚栓/下降固定点加以取代。