| 1. | The economy is still growing robustly , but inflation , it seems , is back 经济依然强劲增长,但是通胀似乎有所抬头。 |
| 2. | The proposed method may estimate doppler rate robustly in the case of low snr 在信噪比较低的条件下此方法可以稳健地估计多普勒调频率。 |
| 3. | While inserting the semi - fragile mark , the key is also robustly embedded into the host 在水印数据半脆弱地嵌入载体信息的同时,密钥也被稳健地隐藏在载体信息中。 |
| 4. | Robustly achieve finality of transactions in real time , or as soon as possible and economically justifiable 透过稳健及具经济效益的系统,即时或尽快完成交易的最后结算。 |
| 5. | Since the 2001 recession , however , the labour force has not grown as robustly as after previous downturns 但是,自从01年衰退以来,劳动力就不如前一次衰退后增长那样快了。 |
| 6. | Robustly strict positive real analysis and output feedback control for a class of uncertain mimo linear systems 一类不确定多变量线性系统的鲁棒严格正实性分析及其输出反馈控制 |
| 7. | The hong kong dollar stood its ground robustly during the southeast asian currency crisis of the summer 在夏季发生的东南亚货币危机中,港元稳如磐石,这是因为我们有八百五十亿美元的外汇储备支持港元。 |
| 8. | An lmi ' s dl - admissible condition for descriptor systems and robustly dl - admissible condition for polytopic uncertainty are established 建立基于线性矩阵不等式的广义系统0广容许条件和鲁棒0广容许条件。 |
| 9. | After the market s brief softness in the fourth quarter of last year , demand for laminates rebounded robustly in the last few weeks 覆铜面板市场在去年第四季经历了轻微回软后,产品需求在过去数星期已迅速回升。 |
| 10. | And i hope that the economy will respond to it robustly and that the community generally will benefit from any economic improvement that comes about 我亦希望利率低企能刺激本港经济,令广大市民能因经济好转而受惠。 |