n.,adj. 吉普赛 (Gipsy) (的);吉普赛语(的)。 deep Romany 纯粹的吉普赛语。 Romany rye 与吉普赛人结伙,能说吉普赛话的非吉普赛人。
Example Sentences:
Part two : dissertate the dissertation and evolution of modern catholic churches in chongqing . part three : a brief introduction to the building style of modern catholic churches in chongqing : gothic , romany , baroque , rococo , combination of chinese and western building styles 第三章:介绍重庆近代天主教堂的总体建筑风格:以哥特式和罗马式为主,巴洛克式和洛可可式各有一例,另外还有中、西方建筑风格相结合的例子。
One time he would be a playactor , then a sutler or a welsher , then nought would keep him from the bearpit and the cocking main , then he was for the ocean sea or to hoof it on the roads with the romany folk , kidnapping a squire s heir by favour or moonlight or fecking maid s linen or choking chickens behind a hedge 彼一度志愿做演员,继而欲当随军酒食小贩,时赖赌账,时又耽于斗熊119与斗鸡。忽而立志乘船远航,忽而又与吉卜赛人结伙,浪迹天涯借月光绑架乡出之嗣子,或偷女佣之内衣,或藏身于柴垣之后,勒死雏鸡。