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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

移民政策 immigration policy
移民法 immigration laws
移民点 settlement
移民签证 immigrant visa
移沙造田 create farmland by removing ...
移玉光临 Please come over!
移船就岸 move one's boat to get ashor...
移良 Yi Liang
移花接木 graft and transplant
移苗 transplant seedlings
移行 divide with a hyphen at the ...
移译 translate
移调 transposition
移调乐器 transposing instrument
移走 move away
移防 be shifted elsewhere for gar...
移项 transposition
移风易俗 change prevailing habits and...
秽乱 debauched
秽亵行为 copropraxia
秽亵言语 eschromythesis
秽亵言语癖 coprolalia
秽史 salacious stories of a perio...
秽名 a notorious reputation
秽土 rubbish
秽德 debauched ways
秽气 mephitis
秽物 filth
秽行 abominable behaviour
秽语症 eschromythesis
秽闻 ill repute
秾纤得中 right proportions
稀世不凡 be really sth. else
稀世之宝 rare treasure
稀世之才 the supramundane power of in...
稀世之珍见 "稀世之宝".
稀世古董 rare antique old fogey
稀世珍本 a rare book in the world
稀土 tombarthite
稀土元素 rare-earth element
稀土金属 rare-earth metal
稀奇古怪性 bizarreness
稀客 rare visitor
稀少 few
稀少的出席者 a scant attendance
稀巴烂 broken to bits
稀播 light seeding
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